Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Held up in the tackle, maul called, use it or lose it and Ireland get the scrum 5m from their own line

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Cross kick from, Prendergast, Harris covers and breaks away down the left before finding Jenkins into the 22

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Tackler not rolling away, penalty Ireland and Prendergast finds touch

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Out to Harris who chips ahead

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Scrum goes down so they will reset

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Lost forward for a scrum to Eng

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Box kick from Bracken, Ireland secure

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

All square as Prendergast restarts, taken up by Cunningham-South

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Opoku-Fordjour bumps off a defender to break and he cracks on the pace to power his way over

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Flat to Maasi-White in midfield