Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The ball goes to ground and Malins picks it up

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

France on the 10m line as they spin it wide

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Couilloud kicks the ball out of the back of the scrum. Malins kicks the ball dead. Scrum back to France

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

England win a scrum as France knock-on the kickoff

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scrum to France 5m out from the English line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Millet breaks the line up to the English 22

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Etienne Fourcade again runs back

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

England chip ahead out wide and France just about take it

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Scrum to England as France knock on

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

France win the scrum and Millet hits it up in the middle