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Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Holding on and the Ospreys win a penalty on halfway, Myler misses touch as Wootton clears long

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Box kick from Webb onto O'Donnell

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Ospreys look to maul

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Hands in the ruck gives the Ospreys a penalty, Myler finds touch

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Outstanding kicks ahead from Blade to touch deep into the Ospreys 22

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Short ball from Delahunt to Masterson

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Still no change to the halftime score

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Sealing off at the breakdown, penalty Connacht and Carty finds touch to relieve the pressure

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Big hit on Hawkins

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Ospreys look to set the drive 5m out