Untitled design (2)
Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Myler kicks long and Carty dots down for a goal line drop out

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Blade puts it high, Evans runs it back

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Box kick from Webb taken well by O'Donnell

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Cross hits it up from the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Loose offload and a little knock on gives the Ospreys the scrum

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Free kick for Connacht and Masterson takes the quick tap

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Scrum goes down so they will reset

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Morris carries in midfield but the pass was forward, scrum Connacht

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Daly immediately clears to touch

Ultimate Rugby Jun 6

Myler gets the match under way for the Ospreys