Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

New York win the penalty and opt to scrum

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Cook is the unfortunate victim of repeated infringements

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Slow ball as they pick and drive, phase after phases up to the 5m

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

New York maul into the 22 before its brought down

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Penalty to New York. They kick up to the 22

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

New York send it high past half way, St Clair spills it and New York regather

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

New York with a patient approach. They work the phases then send it wide before Hume's offload goes directly into touch

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Glendale knock past their 10m. New York midfield scrum

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

Taikato-Simpson clears to halfway

Ultimate Rugby Apr 4

New York can hold on after the lineout