Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Venter spots a small gap before he passes and decides to rather take advantage as he reaches for the line

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

The lineout is good for the Cheetahs and they are now five metres out

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Cheetahs make it a successful scrum and the Kings soon concede a penalty for not rolling away. Cheetahs kick for touch

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Kings move the ball back and the Kings pass it forward for a Cheetahs scrum

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Kings win the scrum and send the ball wide and do well to gain some ground

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

A sloppy lineout for Venter as he knocks the ball on in the maul from the lineout. Scrum for the Kings

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Cheetahs get us underway again and Dukisa kicks back and out for touch

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Olivier has been sent off with a blood injury on his face

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Kings are awarded a penalty as Olivier is off his feet at the breakdown

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Kings are now moving over the Cheetahs 22