Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Ruzza crashes it up 5m out

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

McKinley takes it flat to the line himself

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Restart is directly into touch on the full, back for a Benetton scrum on the Cheetahs 22

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Little grubber ahead but the Cheetahs get back to dot down for a 22 drop out

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Loose offload and Benetton break up to the 22

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Strong carry from Pokomela short side

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Out to Janse van Rensburg making ground

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Cheetahs clear downfield, box kick from Duvenage, great take from Maxwane

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

McKinley restarts, taken by Steenkamp

Ultimate Rugby Nov 11

Lee runs a superb line hitting it at pace to cut through and score