AidanD Feb 2

yup. but sure look. refs receive no penalties or warnings for poor performances so makes no difference to him if he threw the game

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty Munster now as Cardiff illegally collapse the maul. Bleyendaal fires the ball to touch in the corner

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Munster win the ball at the lineout and set their maul to work

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Cardiff deal with the restart and clear to touch

Tom Halpin Feb 2

bad result for Connaught

Con Cussed Feb 2

Ref having a shocker

Nigelim Feb 2

Well done ref you *****. No way a penalty

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Penalty Cardiff as Munster infringe at the breakdown once more

Con Cussed Feb 2

Zebo asleep 💤already gone to France

Ultimate Rugby Feb 2

Munster steal the ball at the lineout but it is then lost forward. Scrum Cardiff