Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Moeke skips a defender but is taken back by another

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Many passes not going to hand and that is no surprise considering their were only 2 line breaks in the first half

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Injury break

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Steamers take the ball from their line out

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Penalty Southland

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Stags win their scrum and send it through the hands but a forward pass to Schrader halts the attack. Lucky for the Steamers as he hit a good gap

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Southland have the scrum on the Steamers 10m line in midfield

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Fraser see's the defence is up and puts in a massive kick which trickles into the in goal area and he out sprints Harris to land on the ball and score

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Bay of Plenty on attack with a great kick

Ultimate Rugby Aug 8

Southland in the game again as Moeke nails his kick from the touch line